
Virtual Branch Online Banking

Personal Loan Line of Credit

Personal Loan Line of Credit

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Personal Line of Credit

With a Choice One personal line of credit, you can apply once and then draw the money you need as you need it. It’s a great option in uncertain times or when you know you will be needing cash in the future. A line of credit is similar to a credit card. Borrow up to your pre-approved credit limit, and as you pay it back the principal becomes available to draw again. Our personal lines of credit feature affordable rates and flexible terms. Plan ahead for major or unexpected expenses, home repairs, or tuition costs with the help of a personal LOC. It’s a great financial resource providing you with quick and convenient access to cash when you want it. Once you are approved, enjoy the peace of mind of knowing you have money available in a pinch. It’s that easy.

Features of a Choice One Personal Line of Credit

  • Line of Credit Up To $10,000
  • Unsecured Loan
  • Terms Up To 72 Months
  • $100 Minimum Draw
  • Overdraft Protection
  • Must have a share draft and debit card to apply

Finance almost anything at all with a personal line of credit. Borrow the money you need today. You can visit one of our Hazleton or Wilkes-Barre credit union locations to complete your application or apply quickly right online.

Personal Line of Credit Rates

APR* Info and/or Terms
Effective Date: 01/01/2024
Rates Subject to Change at Anytime
As low as 9.74%* Term: Up to 72 Months
Maximum loan amount up to $10,000.00
*This rate includes the .25% discount with Auto Pay.

About Choice One

We serve more than 13,000 members (and counting) throughout Pennsylvania. If you live, work, worship, go to school or own a business entity in Luzerne, Lackawanna or Wyoming Counties, you are eligible to join. So, stop in today and see the difference at Choice One!

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